Monday, July 30, 2007
Project Roundup
July is coming to a close, so I bring you, Project Roundup.
1. Spinning Designer Yarns – Class has finished. I’m still plying and blocking the last of it. Pictures soon.
2. Wood Sprite Socks – also finished!
3. Charade Socks – There is usually a long period of denial for me between the moment I realize that something needs to be ripped back and the day that I finally accept that it must be done. I picked the charade sock up on Sunday intending to rip it out and wash the yarn. I couldn’t do it. It’s coming along so nicely I’ve decided to give it another go, perhaps with a different needle.
4. Dolly Bag – I knit the handles and now I need to pop into the fabric store for supplies. We’re getting there.
5. Wispy Jacket – The swatch has been blocked and is drying. I’m itching to get started on this one.
6. Monkey Socks – See earlier comments regarding denial. I don’t want to give up because the pattern is really cute but they are clearly too big for me.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Book Recommendation
My last spinning class was earlier this week. I'm glad to have some of my time back. (Harry Potter here I come!) I did learn quite a bit and my spinning has improved just from all the practice. I am going to try to observe Tuesdays are for Spinning a la Stephanie to keep up. I have a lot to learn yet.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Random Wednesday
Oooooh! Handmaiden Sea Silk in peridot...
Some slightly ugly yet enticing cormo/silk...Blue faced leicester and merino/silk... (This stuff is much prettier in person.)
Also, I started some monkey socks. They are too big for me as written so I am going to have to decide if I am ripping out and getting creative or gifting them to someone with different proportions.
Lastly, take a look at my wood sprite leftovers. You can’t tell me the yarn isn’t so much prettier than the finished socks. Grrrr. I promise I am hereby letting it go.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Finished Object
I have a busy weekend ahead including schmoozing at the MBA reception and hopefully a fiber festival on Sunday (eeee!!!).
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Not Knitting
In exchange for giving up all knitting time…
1. I learned how to Navajo-ply.
2. I was forced to crank out mileage like a mad woman and as a result my spinning is improving noticeably.
3. I discovered that blending fibers is really fun! Who knew? (Okay, I really shouldn’t have been so surprised by this one.) One of a kind batts of my very own? Yes, big time fun.
Last night we had dinner with my darling Sam, in from Chicago. Bill and her man met for the first time (an unfortunate side effect of Bill’s recent deployment). I do not get to see anywhere near enough of that lady.
Bill has left me for a couple days to attend orientation for his MBA program. I will join him Friday after work for a reception and other Saturday activities. I need to find something to wear that will help me feel charming and outgoing. This will be a bit of a challenge since I am shy to a crippling fault.
I spent a fair portion of my evening washing blueberries. We went picking on Sunday and I needed to process those lovelies and get the ones I won’t be using fresh into the freezer. My dad and I had a discussion about the pros and cons of washing the berries before freezing them. (By discussion, I mean he told me I was wrong. And in typical Jenn v. Dad fashion, I went ahead with my plan anyway.) In years past, I have frozen them unwashed so as to avoid damaging them and introducing extra moisture. Unfortunately, washing already frozen blueberries, in my experience, results in a frozen together clump or thawed mushy berries. Not good. Since, I generally avoid ingesting pesticide and bird poop whenever possible, not washing them at all isn’t an option and I have decided to give it a try the other way round. Dad, I think it will be fine.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Meet Sophie
Friday, July 13, 2007
Eye Candy Friday (sort of)
Here we have my first cable ply.
And here, a swatch for the Wispy Jacket.
Have a great weekend all!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
If this upsets you too, please raise your voice. Attitudes and misconceptions regarding sexual violence aren’t going to change by themselves.
PS I tried to find an appropriate, unbiased news link. I was unsuccessful. That, in and of itself, is frustrating. Perhaps, (hopefully) my internet search skills are to blame. For example, I found nothing on using various permutations of Ms. Bowen’s name, Nebraska, rape, sexual assault, assault, etc. (Just so we are clear, there were links through the web search function, but no hits on CNN itself.)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Challenge is a good thing
On the upside…
1. Even though I did not produce anything photo worthy tonight, I was able to successfully execute both techniques. The pretty yarn is just around the corner. I can feel it. (Also worth noting, I did not foul either of the pretty singles I’ve already shown you. Just practice yarn.)
2. Tomorrow I will have something cute and tiny to show you.
3. Our air conditioning is functional. Enough said.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Work and Play
I finished spinning that pink merino top into singles. Spinning class meets again tomorrow night so I should have some finished yarn to show you.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The socks are not living up to the yarn’s former beauty. I wish you could have seen the skein but apparently I forgot to take a picture. Now, ehhh. If I hadn’t been so jazzed up about the yarn, these would be perfectly acceptable. Do you know what I mean? You get so worked up about something that an otherwise completely satisfactory performance is disappointing. Just the same, we are way past the point of no return here. There will be no ripping out. And no, your eyes do not deceive you. I am, in fact, ready to turn the heel of the second sock and have not yet grafted the first toe shut.
Charade socks. I love the pattern and the yarn is doing this very fun spirally thing. Since the pattern is written on more stitches than my basic sock and the Schaefer Anne yarn seems a little thinner than most sock yarn, I went from my usual sock 1s to size 0s. This is not working out so well. I’m not sure if it is the joins in this specific needle or that the sock is too small to comfortably navigate the 12” Addis but I am constantly having to push the yarn over the join. This involves stabbing my finger with the pointy, metal, size zero needle repeatedly. It is not making for a pleasant knitting experience hence this sock is not moving along very quickly. I am also toying with the idea of ripping it out and using the yarn for a lace scarf. There is a little bit of mohair in there and with the subtle variegation I think it would make very pretty lace. Also this is souvenir yarn so I want to like the end product. (The red was a little hard to photograph. Thank you mister Bill for your valiant efforts.)
On a completely unrelated note, this afternoon I saw a momma turkey and three baby turkeys! They were crossing the road on my way home from getting my hair done. The babies were super cute. The mom was walking really slowly so the babies could keep underneath her and they all had fun little spotty feathers. I stopped to let them cross and watched them as long as I dare (didn’t want to irritate the big truck behind me). I love it! I’ve lived in Michigan for four years now and wild turkeys have in no way lost their charm.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Stall Tactics
Both front and back panels are complete. Lovely.
After all those bobbles... in cotton... with bamboo needles... she really deserves to be finished. I know there will be a lining involved but I am sort of stuck on the handles. They are a little flimsy for my taste.
A few rows of stockinette is not going to cut it for me. I’m thinking I could encase some piping to give them a little more oomph. Option 1, work some i-cord with extra stitches and painstakingly maneuver in the stabilizer. Option 2, work handles as directed and seam in the piping, embracing the seam as a decorative element. I am very open to suggestions.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Hello Hello
Welcome! I’ve decided to join the ranks of knitbloggers and I hope you’ll make room for me in your lovely community. I’m also a spinner, a beginning spinner. Let’s just say I am well on my way down the slippery fibre arts slope.
Currently on my plate…
1. Spinning Designer Yarns at the local art institute
2. Wood Sprite Socks
3. Charade Socks
4. Rowan Dolly Bag (gift with subscription last year I think)
5. Kim Hargreaves Wispy Jacket
I am really lean on knitting projects at the moment. I’m a bit stuck actually. Pictures and explanations to follow in due time.
Spinning, however, is moving along full force thanks to my class. I am loving these singles.
And I am quite proud of this top I blended all by my little self. A drumcarder has just made the wishlist.
In other news, I am now the proud owner of a food processor. I love it. I made a pie crust in about 90 seconds. Hello tasty peach berry pie.