In exchange for giving up all knitting time…
1. I learned how to Navajo-ply.
2. I was forced to crank out mileage like a mad woman and as a result my spinning is improving noticeably.
3. I discovered that blending fibers is really fun! Who knew? (Okay, I really shouldn’t have been so surprised by this one.) One of a kind batts of my very own? Yes, big time fun.
Last night we had dinner with my darling Sam, in from Chicago. Bill and her man met for the first time (an unfortunate side effect of Bill’s recent deployment). I do not get to see anywhere near enough of that lady.
Bill has left me for a couple days to attend orientation for his MBA program. I will join him Friday after work for a reception and other Saturday activities. I need to find something to wear that will help me feel charming and outgoing. This will be a bit of a challenge since I am shy to a crippling fault.
I spent a fair portion of my evening washing blueberries. We went picking on Sunday and I needed to process those lovelies and get the ones I won’t be using fresh into the freezer. My dad and I had a discussion about the pros and cons of washing the berries before freezing them. (By discussion, I mean he told me I was wrong. And in typical Jenn v. Dad fashion, I went ahead with my plan anyway.) In years past, I have frozen them unwashed so as to avoid damaging them and introducing extra moisture. Unfortunately, washing already frozen blueberries, in my experience, results in a frozen together clump or thawed mushy berries. Not good. Since, I generally avoid ingesting pesticide and bird poop whenever possible, not washing them at all isn’t an option and I have decided to give it a try the other way round. Dad, I think it will be fine.

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